1. Registration fee of Rs 1000/- for Refresher course/Orienatation Course and Short Term Course shall be paid by every participants as an admission fee at the time of admission to the course. As per UGC rules, each participant is required to deposit Rs. 1000/- as registration fee either in cash or through Demand Draft drawn in favor of the Director, UGC- Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), Mizoram University payable at United Bank of India, MZU Branch (UBI, MZU Code No. MZU-H61).
2. DA will not be paid to any participants who are provided free fooding and lodging by Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC).
3. The Course will be full time on every working day. Participants are requested to attend the Inaugural programme of the course. (UGC has made it mandatory to attend the Inaugural Programme)
4. Travelling Allowance will not be reimbursed.
5. Outstation participants are requested to carry this ‘Call Letter’ for production at Inner Line Permit Check-post or wherever necessary
6. Attendance will be taken daily as per UGC guidelines from each participants. No leave is admissible for the participants during taking up of courses.MMTTC is admissible to withheld the Certificate on certain circumstances.
7. Stationery for the participants will be provided by the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC), MZU.
8.Applicants who have failed to submit their Original Application form, duly forwarded by the College Principal, are requested to submit the Original Application form at the time of Registration.
9. Accommodation in the University Guest House/UGC-MMTTC Guest House is available only for outstation participants. No accommodation would be arranged for any accompanying member.
10. Production of release order from the employer is mandatory (not applicable to the teachers/officers of Mizoram University) for participation in the Course.