Course Conducted


Sl. NoCourses conductedNo. of ParticipantsNo. of Resource Person
1Refresher Course in Public Administration(24th Aug- 14th Sept., 2009)2113
21st Refresher Course in Environment & Life Sciences(1st – 30thOctober, 2009) ( Inter disciplinary)1831
32nd Refresher Course ( 2nd – 28th November, 2009)3026
 ( Inter disciplinary)
43rd Refresher Course in Physical Sciences & Engineering ( 18th – 17thFebruary, 2010) ( Inter disciplinary)1523
5Refresher Course in Mizo Language( 10th – 30th Nov, 2009)2823
6Refresher Course in Education( 10th – 30th Nov, 2009)2027
7Refresher Course in History(11th – 30th Jan, 2010)2018
8Refresher Course in Geography( 2nd – 23rd Feb., 2010)1817
9Refresher Course in Economics (8th – 28th Feb., 2010)1716
10Refresher Course in Library& Information Science(10th Feb.- 2ndMarch, 2010)2122
11Refresher Course in Commerce(1st – 20th March, 2010)1023
12Refresher Course in Political Science( 8th – 28th March, 2010)1917
13Refresher Course in English( 22nd march – 10th April, 2010)2918
14Short Term Course in workshop in Computer Application for College Teachers( 5th – 9th March, 2010)234
15Three Days workshop for College Principals(29th – 31st March, 2010)14